My Account

IBS-Account-Details There are some great new features on the My Account section of our website.  You can:
Edit account details
  • Keep your organisation's details up to date.
  • Choose your default delivery address.
  • Upload a retail quote header, which allows you to save a branded retail quote to send directly to your customer without the need to recreate or type the quote again. The quote will contain all the job details, with your nominated markup and your branding.Watch the how-to video here:
  • Change your password
Edit your team members
  • Keep your team list up to date and manage who gets what type of correspondence.
Update your address book
  • If you're constantly using the alternate delivery option to send to the same address, make sure you save it next time to your address book. In the future you just need to select it from the list rather than re-enter all the details.
Manage invoices
  • Giving you more power to manage your account, you can download statements, view unpaid/paid invoices and payments. This feature is fully searchable and of course allows you to easily pay your bills transparently. Quick actions include view and download options.
Save favourites
  • Save commonly ordered products to your favourites list for fast pre-populated re-orders.
View the price list
  • Price matrix option for all products.