Top 10 marketing tips for printers

No matter your industry, the size of your business, and where you’re located, clever marketing is absolutely essential for business growth, getting new customers, and even making sure your existing customers keep coming back. 

It’s all about the website

The easier your website is to use, including on mobile, the more people will place orders or contact you for work. Make sure your website is fully functional, up to date, and mobile friendly to reap the benefits! If you’re struggling to find the time to improve your website, we can help with that! We’re gearing up to launch trade website services including both reseller websites, and custom website builds for you to on-sell to your customers, then let us do all the work! If you’re interested in a reseller website, or have a client wanting their own site before we officially launch, let us know! We’ve got all the infrastructure in place to make it happen quickly.

Social media marketing

If you’re not on social media, why not? Your competition probably already are! There are heaps of things you can do with social media, from connecting with your customers, to running super specific targeted ads. It can be a bit daunting to get going on social media, but just start slow. The most important thing about social media is being consistent!

Share your reviews

People trust other customers’ opinions, which is why getting reviews, and sharing them, is so important! You can start by asking your best customers to leave a review on Google or Facebook for the world to see when they look up your business. You can take it a step further, and republished these reviews on your website or socials as testimonials. 

Word of mouth marketing

Even though we have stacks of new age ways to market and advertise, the best is still good old fashioned word of mouth. People trust the recommendations of their family, friends, and colleagues more than they trust a billboard or online ad. Encourage your customers to tell a friend about you by offering referral discounts and special offers.


Search engine optimisation (SEO) is really important for businesses who want to show up in search results (which should be every business)! SEO is more than just paying for ads, although that is one way to do it. You can optimise your website content for search engines by using the best keywords in your content and blog posts. Content not your thing? That’s okay, we can help! We’re gearing up to launch trade marketing services and have a team of SEO experts who are able to work on SEO for your business. If you’re interested in this service before we officially go live, let us know!

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Work on your USP

Do you know what makes your business unique? Could you explain it in under a minute? To run and grow a successful business, you should be able to pull out your unique selling proposition USP) at any moment. This spiel will come in really handy at events, on your website, on social media, and in your store. Your USP is a really important tool, so it’s worth taking some time to formulate and perfect. If you have staff, ensuring they are also able to communicate the USP is a must!

Partner up locally

One of the lessons we learned in 2020 was the importance of supporting local businesses! There are so many ways you can partner up with local businesses in your area. This might include a formalised agreement where you use each other’s business to purchase goods and services, or it might be something more casual like referring your customers to them whenever it’s appropriate. 

Make a video

Visual elements are a must when it comes to marketing, and experts say that movement (ie. a video) is more effective for capturing attention than a still picture. A brand video is totally worth the investment, and can be used as a banner for your Facebook page or website, on your social media, and you can even play it on a loop in your store. Make sure the video is of high quality and communicates who your business is, what you stand for, and what you do.

Check your price

Your prices have to be spot on to be competitive. Not too high, or you’ll lose business, not too low or you won’t make a profit. But you already know that! A strategy that has worked really well for us is having a range of Super Savers, budget friendly options for our best selling products that are always affordable! 

Position yourself as an expert

The top brands do more than just market and sell products. They give out advice, share expertise, and comment on industry news. Positioning you, and/or your business as an expert and leader in the industry can do huge things for your brand and sales! And it’s really easy to start sharing your thoughts, either post some blogs, or social media content to get started!